Global Talent Sourcing
Talent sourcing alludes to the way competitors distinguish, explore, produce and connect to change over people into work candidates. The more extensive the ability of sourcing is, the more exceptionally gifted candidates are produced with a steady progression. At R2R consults, the objective of talent sourcing, in general, is to aid the organization in the acquisition of talent with specific skill sets that are available on the global market. Talent sourcing is like the beginning stage of the enrolment cycle and a basic component of building a strong ability pipeline. R2R is an established leader in global talent mapping and research. R2R identifies talent based on the growing needs of the organization to cultivate a robust and steady stream of high-quality candidates.
The three types include The Talent Pipeline, which includes nurturing rich relationships with quality passive candidates and generating strong referrals far into the future. Market Intelligence, where the competition analysis is conducted and factors influencing career moves are understood. Also, smarter long-term hiring decisions are made along with an evolved talent strategy. Immediate Hires, which includes saving time with our high-quality screening, getting tangible results and feedback early on and receiving transparent reports at each stage of the process.